Striking Poses

Striking Poses is a 1999 American directtovideo thriller film directed by Gail Harvey. The film stars Shannen Doherty as a paparazzi photographer who becomes a photography victim herself, of a dangerous stalker. The film is rated R for violenceprofanity.

Terrified, she uses the help of a security man named Nick Angel Griffin to help her change her identity, in hopes of getting rid of her stalker. After helping her change her name to Julie Summerfield, she finds out that one of his old friends, now murdered, was one of her photography victims years earlier. As they prepare the next day to create a new life, they are bothered by Murray Gadger Buck Devine, a hit man who makes an impression with his psychotic behavior. That night, she and Nick break into the library to learn more about Julie Summerfield, and when they return home, Gage finds one of the stalkers trademarks at her door. Inside however, they cannot find either the stalker, or her assistant, who should have been present in the house. The next morning, Gage receives pictures of Casey being mutilated and murdered. Devastated, she visits Gadger, asking him to kill her stalker. He asks for 150.000 in exchange, and orders her to find a place far away from people, where the deed can be done, as well as advising her to keep Nick out of it.Meanwhile, Nick has broken into Gadgers apartment, where he finds out that Gadger is the same man as Gages stalker and Caseys killer. He immediately sets out to the abandoned house, where Gage at the moment is being scared by Gadgers behavior. As Nick enters the house, Gadger feels betrayed by Gage and shoots Nick. He then orders Gage to take care of his bloody clothes, and check into a motel. Back in present time, the detectives work with Gage to locate Badger. They retrieve his location, where she finds out that Nick, Casey and Gadger worked together as con artists who planned everything. The detectives and Gage decide to take revenge by conning them themselves. Gage goes over to Gadgers place, claiming that she received photographs of Nicks murder. As she learns through listening wire that the three con artists are turning on each other, she meets with Gadger again, telling him that the person who took pictures of Nicks murde

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